The daily adventures and musings of Suzanne and family while I hold down the fort here in San Diego!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Lazy Sunday

Finally smiling for the camera

Strawberries and Spring Mix Lettuce. Finally put up the net after something was eating the strawberries and now I have little holes in the lettuce! I am trying to learn how to make this work organically w/no insects!

Our cucumbers are doing okay. I think they need more sun since I placed the tomatoes on the wrong side of the sun. Spinach is growing and tomatoes are going to be great! I have an ant issue on this side so I use borax and corn syrup to help ward them off.

Hey! Look at me! I am on a roll as this is my 2nd Sunday of blogging. It's probably due to the fact I lost my master to-do list. I can't find it anywhere and quite frankly, I can't remember what the hell I needed to do anyhow. Maybe that means it's all really not that important.

So usually San Diego is considered sunny year round. What most don't realize it that this is really the opposite once you hit "May Gray" and "June Gloom". One of the cool things about living out where we are (around 20 minutes from downtown) farther east inland is that all that tends to burn off late morning and open up to sunny blue skies. It looked that way today and then in came the gray again later on. These kind of days make me want to curl up and do nothing. I truly do suffer when I can't see Mr. Golden Sun in my day and my daughter is very much the same creature. I have a hard time if I can't get her outside each day with her for more than 2 hours. I have NO idea how others (or possibly we someday) can brave a real long blustery winter where you stay inside with a toddler.

So since my to-do list is probably in the recycling bin, we decided to do hang out at the house and fill our day with backyard play, garden tending, and hanging out with our dogs. Sometimes it is nice to not really make plans. A big plus for today is that Sophia had no tantrums as well...Yay!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I'm baaack...I think.

It's been awhile! Blogging has officially become a to-do list chore for me at this time for a number of reasons. I had really thought when Eric left for Japan I would be twiddling my thumbs with not much to do, but it has really been quite the opposite. I find myself dozing off as I rock Sophia at the end of the day while singing and reading her stories. It is a struggle to stay up past 9PM but I must if I plan on getting anything accomplished. I also find I get a bad case of writers block when I try and blog. The words and ideas do not flow and if you can tell by my posts, I did not major in English. I wish I had all the time to sit here and tell you of my "adventures" each day (even with my non-existent reader following). More for Eric's sake, especially since I love reading when his blog is updated. My big problem is there is just SO much in my head that I could write about. The possibilities are endless. My blog is really not centered on any individual subject, just our life in general. I could totally rant like an old person (which I believe I am in many ways) about how people do not use their turn signals, why skater boys in our neighborhood would get a swift kick in their low-riding jeans ass if they ever tried to date my daughter, how people really need to learn cell phone ettiquite, and my quest to get speed bumps installed in our neighborhood. I love to bring up hot topics, but that always seems like a bad idea after you do it since my friends views on life are so varied. I could dedicate a whole blog on health. More ideas that come to mind is our commuter marriage, having a high energy and spirited toddler, awesome recipes I am trying, my battle with quitting diet Coke and my love/hate relationship with working out. I would love to use a blog as therapy too and talk about living in and overcoming severe dysfuntion growing up. So at the end of the day I have all these ideas floating through my head but I usually find myself curled up on the couch with not one ounce of energy left, not even in my fingers. So for now I will take it one Sunday at a time, and one blog subject at a time. Sunday is also the day Eric and I read our book club selection and watch Mad Men Season one together (though miles apart).

So in the midst of all this trying to keep in touch and keeping communication tight with Eric, I have our little Sophia who is going through a "Mom, you can't take a picture of me because I think it is funny when you tell me to smile and I look away from the camera" phase going on. I try and sneak one in, but I can never get a full smiling face. It would be nice to have some new pic's for Eric, really. At this point I have all but given up.

Lately Sophia has a love of holding on to random items. She must hold on to her toothbrush all day long. She actually gets a bit frustrated if she doesn't have shorts or pants with pockets she can hold her brush in. She also likes to hold on to more random items: a spoon (since she finally learned a fork was unacceptable by mommy), anywhere from 2-6 bracelets at a time, chap stick, Mardi Gras style beads, and her stickers. She falls asleep with some of these items as well and wakes up each morning pointing and asking for me to pick up "my stickers", "my bracelet", "my toothbrush" and on goes another day of the gypsy look. She has finally realized she is having a harder time holding on to these items as she starts to accumulate more to her collection. She recently found a snazzy little basket so she can now hold on to more! Yippee!
Today I got her all dressed up, hair and all and tried my best to take a pic for Eric near our beautiful blooming lilies...only there was one problem.... she refused to give up the basket of junk for the picture. She was also pretty mad I took off her 5 bracelets, necklace and the picture session was then cancelled. So I give you "Sophia without basket"...