The daily adventures and musings of Suzanne and family while I hold down the fort here in San Diego!

Monday, August 9, 2010

It's August already?

WOW! Time is really pushing forward faster than I EVER imagined. It is going on 5 months since Eric left for his Japan tour but it feels like he just left. I have an A+ in being mentally prepared and keeping busy. Eric and I have our tour theme song "Cold Blooded" by Rick James (we feel that is what other couples who don't know us must think since we are cool with this living arrangement). I take comfort in the fact that we will never do this again and 2 plus years is such a small blip of our 18 plus years together. I have also lived in worse situations, so in all honesty, it is really not that bad. He has been so darn busy (as we anticipated) that quality time with him is next to nill in Japan anyhow. We are grateful that I am surrounded by our friends support here in San Diego and spending quality time with our family as we intended so Sophia does not miss out on knowing our loved ones. Eric has been busy flying, working 12-14 hour days and will be leaving on his second deployment only to come back when we go visit for a month later this year. Skype has been amazing and we usually talk twice a day. Where was this technology when Eric deployed for almost 10 months years ago? It is amazing how things have changed in a GREAT way! We make a conscious effort to make good conversation, which is easy to do since Eric is my best friend...but can be something easy to overlook in regular day to day lives when with each other every single day. This whole situation is making us stronger and we will come out with more love for one another as it teaches us not to take one another for granted. It also teaches ME how to run the house better and be a better independent woman by working the power saws, repairing sprinkler heads, using the drill more often and the like! So, we are still very pleased with the decision we made, no matter how untraditional it is.

Sophia has had a few milestones in these past months. At around 20 months I finally took off the front screws to her crib and turned it into her daybed. I really wanted to do this at 18 months since our little monkey set herself free and was able to get out if she wanted. I am amazed at how agile she is and hope one day she is not climbing El Cap rope free. Thankfully she was so excited about sleeping in her big girl bed that no transition was really needed (thank you Mr. Ferberization). It was standard operating bedtime procedures as usual and in fact, she did not want me to read or rock her that night since she totally wanted to lay her head down on her new big kid pillow!
Sophia also started potty training. We are still SLOWLY working on this one day at a time as my little girl is stubborn and wants to do this on her terms, which is totally naked. She pees like a champ in her potty when she is free of any clothing (socks and all). Unfortunately, this situation does not work well on trips out and about so we are currently slowly introducing panties (that she also likes to pee in). I got some sparkly Dora panties today, so I am hoping this may change my little free naked spirit.
I have also been busy channeling her endless amount of energy into Mommy & Me Soccer, a class she has a blast in. She is in session two of swim class and finally floating on her back by herself! Sophia is also attending part-day Montessori School 3 times a week, which she has a fun time socializing in. We will have to miss some classes until the beginning of the year soon, but for great reasons. We will be on our way to the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone for most of September! The Shafers have graciously invited us to go on the camper driving journey of a lifetime along with their family and little boy Bjorn who Sophia adores. Gail's parents will be taking care of Sophia as we hike down to the bottom of the canyon and stay at the Phantom Ranch! I will be happy to have a day of rest and ranch life as we depart for our hike up the canyon the following day. Then onwards to Yellowstone! October will be my annual visit to Palm Springs with my most awesome friend Dani. It's a much needed girls trip and the weather will be amazeballs for pooly time and adult beverages! Soon after my sister is due. We are SO excited! Little Ava is going to take up a lot of our time, hugs, and kisses! Halloween and Thanksgiving will blow by with our fam here in San Diego and before you know it, we will be visiting Eric for a month in Tokyo in our "Japan condo". Yippee!              

Hear ye, Hear ye, Princess Sophia is TWO!

SO thankful she has been a good sleeper since 3 months old. It's God's way of giving me a break for the time she is AWAKE and with enough energy to run our city!!

Picking our first crop of organic heirloom tomatoes. Sophia was SO excited to eat one, until I cut it open and offered. Looks like we'll be making spaghetti sauce instead.

Canning the tomatoes so they don't rot! We had quite a few and more on the way.

No worries. You don't need to submit this to It is a Crayola bath time set Sophia got from her buddy Bjorn. Lord knows what chemicals they used to make that work, so I'm gonna try my best to not read the ingredients and pretend it's all natural! Besides, it is an extra 30 minutes of happy quiet time for mommy as she plays so contently!

And lastly, a little brown widow friend crawled it's way into Sophia's bike, called it home and is clutching it's nest sak per the above picture. I am not terrified of spiders like most of my friends. Having lived in SoCal most of my life I've seen my fair share of gnarly black widows ...but add my daughter into the pic and let's just say I was pretty freaked out knowing she's been scooting all over the place on this for quite some time before I noticed. Sweet dreams, and Goodnight!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Lazy Sunday

Finally smiling for the camera

Strawberries and Spring Mix Lettuce. Finally put up the net after something was eating the strawberries and now I have little holes in the lettuce! I am trying to learn how to make this work organically w/no insects!

Our cucumbers are doing okay. I think they need more sun since I placed the tomatoes on the wrong side of the sun. Spinach is growing and tomatoes are going to be great! I have an ant issue on this side so I use borax and corn syrup to help ward them off.

Hey! Look at me! I am on a roll as this is my 2nd Sunday of blogging. It's probably due to the fact I lost my master to-do list. I can't find it anywhere and quite frankly, I can't remember what the hell I needed to do anyhow. Maybe that means it's all really not that important.

So usually San Diego is considered sunny year round. What most don't realize it that this is really the opposite once you hit "May Gray" and "June Gloom". One of the cool things about living out where we are (around 20 minutes from downtown) farther east inland is that all that tends to burn off late morning and open up to sunny blue skies. It looked that way today and then in came the gray again later on. These kind of days make me want to curl up and do nothing. I truly do suffer when I can't see Mr. Golden Sun in my day and my daughter is very much the same creature. I have a hard time if I can't get her outside each day with her for more than 2 hours. I have NO idea how others (or possibly we someday) can brave a real long blustery winter where you stay inside with a toddler.

So since my to-do list is probably in the recycling bin, we decided to do hang out at the house and fill our day with backyard play, garden tending, and hanging out with our dogs. Sometimes it is nice to not really make plans. A big plus for today is that Sophia had no tantrums as well...Yay!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I'm baaack...I think.

It's been awhile! Blogging has officially become a to-do list chore for me at this time for a number of reasons. I had really thought when Eric left for Japan I would be twiddling my thumbs with not much to do, but it has really been quite the opposite. I find myself dozing off as I rock Sophia at the end of the day while singing and reading her stories. It is a struggle to stay up past 9PM but I must if I plan on getting anything accomplished. I also find I get a bad case of writers block when I try and blog. The words and ideas do not flow and if you can tell by my posts, I did not major in English. I wish I had all the time to sit here and tell you of my "adventures" each day (even with my non-existent reader following). More for Eric's sake, especially since I love reading when his blog is updated. My big problem is there is just SO much in my head that I could write about. The possibilities are endless. My blog is really not centered on any individual subject, just our life in general. I could totally rant like an old person (which I believe I am in many ways) about how people do not use their turn signals, why skater boys in our neighborhood would get a swift kick in their low-riding jeans ass if they ever tried to date my daughter, how people really need to learn cell phone ettiquite, and my quest to get speed bumps installed in our neighborhood. I love to bring up hot topics, but that always seems like a bad idea after you do it since my friends views on life are so varied. I could dedicate a whole blog on health. More ideas that come to mind is our commuter marriage, having a high energy and spirited toddler, awesome recipes I am trying, my battle with quitting diet Coke and my love/hate relationship with working out. I would love to use a blog as therapy too and talk about living in and overcoming severe dysfuntion growing up. So at the end of the day I have all these ideas floating through my head but I usually find myself curled up on the couch with not one ounce of energy left, not even in my fingers. So for now I will take it one Sunday at a time, and one blog subject at a time. Sunday is also the day Eric and I read our book club selection and watch Mad Men Season one together (though miles apart).

So in the midst of all this trying to keep in touch and keeping communication tight with Eric, I have our little Sophia who is going through a "Mom, you can't take a picture of me because I think it is funny when you tell me to smile and I look away from the camera" phase going on. I try and sneak one in, but I can never get a full smiling face. It would be nice to have some new pic's for Eric, really. At this point I have all but given up.

Lately Sophia has a love of holding on to random items. She must hold on to her toothbrush all day long. She actually gets a bit frustrated if she doesn't have shorts or pants with pockets she can hold her brush in. She also likes to hold on to more random items: a spoon (since she finally learned a fork was unacceptable by mommy), anywhere from 2-6 bracelets at a time, chap stick, Mardi Gras style beads, and her stickers. She falls asleep with some of these items as well and wakes up each morning pointing and asking for me to pick up "my stickers", "my bracelet", "my toothbrush" and on goes another day of the gypsy look. She has finally realized she is having a harder time holding on to these items as she starts to accumulate more to her collection. She recently found a snazzy little basket so she can now hold on to more! Yippee!
Today I got her all dressed up, hair and all and tried my best to take a pic for Eric near our beautiful blooming lilies...only there was one problem.... she refused to give up the basket of junk for the picture. She was also pretty mad I took off her 5 bracelets, necklace and the picture session was then cancelled. So I give you "Sophia without basket"...

Monday, March 8, 2010

Composting, It ROTS!

So, I have only been officially composting for 5 days now. I am amazed at all the scraps, clippings and paper shreds we can put inside to rot and not in our trash. Hopefully this experiment works since the composting vessel is self made. I couldn't fathom the idea of dropping over $100 on a retail plastic barrel (I mean that could be a nice pair of shoes, right?) that would produce way too much compost anyhow for our smaller urban garden. We used a small Odjob hand concrete mixer made out of non-leaching plastic and drilled small holes around the outside. I can't wait to have our own golden soil! Our garden is going to be a fun project for Sophia and I while Eric is gone. If all goes well and we actually grow anything, we are going to step it up to canning and send freshly grown organic tomatoes to Eric in Japan! I am not quite sure why we didn't try this out before considering all the sunshine and mild temps we get here.

I also bought a few children's books about gardening and planting. Sophia has her own watering can, and child sized gardening tools. She also enjoys turning the compost barrel daily. We are both working on earning our green thumbs. Pictures will follow eventually if our garden is a success!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Workout Jam

So lately I've been a bit lazy and I've really need a swift kick to get up and workout. Eric and I have decided to up the ante and make it into a challenge for both of us during his stay in Japan. It will be our version of Biggest Loser and the winner will get to choose their choice of vacation at the end. What's even cooler is we will be renewing our wedding vows at the winning location. I have chosen Tunnels Beach in Kauai and Eric chose Las Caletas Beach in Puerto Vallarta. Either spot is magical and exciting although I am a bit partial to Kauai.

After I had Sophia I dropped over 50 pounds eating Nutri System (which is not great but it works) and working out with a mixture of pilates, yoga and cardio. I always think the true yogi and pilates followers have the bodies I really want. They always seem long and lean, not too much bulk or muscle and still enough bump in the booty. The problem now is that Eric and I have been enjoying our last months together before he leaves and then during the holidays which included a LOT of food! That was a mistake! I feel super flabby Mcflabster and have decided to take up jogging. Did I mention I DESPISE jogging/running? I am not a fan of the aches and joint pain that is followed by a light jog on the hard pavement. I get shin splints. I have no great feeling of energy or what they say is an endorphin rush afterwards. And moreover, joggers and runners do not have the body I want, but nevertheless I started jogging to get rid of some of the excess pregnancy fat that does not want to leave. I am desperate and I know jogging burns an excessive amount of fat, more than my beloved yoga and pilates. I know once the fat diminishes (before it gets to burning my booty away) I will let my joints and shins enjoy life again without the constant pavement pounding....and I know I am jogging correctly. I looked at proper form on You Tube!

So to me music is life and energy. I created a badass workout jam for my MP3 player. If it wasn't for these songs and my dogs that pull me there is no way I would have the drive to jog past my front door. I could definitely find other ways to torture myself!

And without further adieu, here is the list:

Black Eyed Peas - Imma Be, Rock That Body

Peaches - Mommy Complex

Drowning Pool - Bodies (I need some mean music to get through tough workouts)

Marilyn Manson - The Beautiful People

Ludacris - Move Bitch, Get Back (great traffic music too)

Paul Oakenfold - Faster Kill Pussycat, Ready Steady Go

Gwen Stefani - What You Waiting For?

Jay-Z - Swagga Like Us

P.O.D. - Boom

Kanye West - Stronger

Basement Jaxx - Where's Your Head At, Red Alert

Cypress Hill - Superstar

Daft Punk - Da Funk

DJ Shadow - Organ Donor

Propellerheads - Take California

Outkast - B.O. B.

69 Boyz - Tootsie Roll

Sexy Bitch - David Guetta

Until next time! Suzanne ;-)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sleeping on my carpet tonight

I am taking a break after 2 hours of the most awesome sauce cleaning experience ever. You know you have hit matronly status when you are raving about cleaning products. Seriously though, cleaning in my home can be quite difficult even with Lucy, our house cleaner I adore. When you have three dogs that roam the house and a inquisitive toddler who enjoys a good mess you find your carpet looking dated and worn. We bought upgraded, expensive carpet and when you are a stay at home mommy I really don't have the extra money (besides paying Lucy and Freddie whom I would sell my soul if needed) to hire a carpet guy to come out every month. The answer to our prayers was the Bissell Proheat Steam carpet cleaner. Man have my wildest cleaning dreams come true. This bad boy even spits up hairballs I did not know existed in my carpet. When the water is poured out it looks like chocolate dirt liquid...such a satisfying feeling I tell ya. With my new carpet cleaning skills, I feel like I have a career in janitorial once the stay at home mommy thing comes to an end and if nothing pans out for me! I could drive a big white van around and name my business "She's got Skillz" Cleaning Service. And if we ever find ourselves renting our home out you know I am showing up each month to tend to my carpet. And from now on, no more cleaning stories.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Awesome Kid Items

So, I'm always getting compliments on the many gadgets and toys I buy for Sophia. I am addicted to buying Sophia awesome stuff that makes my life easier and she enjoys. If I see a mom sporting something cool, I always ask (like the ray shade to block out sun I saw at the zoo on a stroller...perfect for San Diego sun). I figure I will start posting some of these things right here if it helps any other mother out! One item we LOVE and get compliments on every time we are dining out is the Kiddopotamus Tiny Diner reusable mat. Sophia is now eating with utensils and dishes, but we still use it for the mess around her and have been using it since she has been sitting up. It is pretty darn awesome. Also today we just got the coolest Melissa and Doug magnetic puzzles in the mail. One has hinges that open and close and inside is a magnetic surprise. The other is a bug net magnet in which Sophia can pick up the other bugs from the puzzle. A sure hit as Sophia played with one for 15 minutes straight on her own (that never happens in our household). They will definitely be going on the plane with us.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

What's up with the jaws dropping?

Watch out! I am officially a part of the blogging world now. Please proceed with caution and disregard any grammatical errors! As most of you know, I am pretty common sense smart, but did not excel well in school :-/ Eric and I have both started blogs to better our communication while he is away. I am in practice mode here. We have thought of anything and everything to stay connected while he is living in "our condo in Japan" as we call it come April of this year. I think I may be able to write a book after researching for hours and hours on commuter marriage and flying with a toddler. You know when I do something, I have to go all out and be totally prepared.

You may or may not be familiar with our situation. Eric received 2 1/2 year orders to Atsugi, Japan starting this April. We found out over 7 months ago which was initially a rumor before that. I am actually excited it was that long ago since it seemed like yesterday and it is an indicator time will move fast. Once we found out (the rumor and then the reality) I was pretty shocked. It was Eric's fourth choice and I know in life, especially in the military, you get what you get and make the best of it. So after many tears and weighing the pros and cons we both decided to ask for voluntary unaccompanied orders. I won't go into the nightmare we faced trying to get them unaccompanied which made no sense at all considering we will be saving the Navy bank. It was like we were asking to fly to the moon. It really was simple, Eric lives in a BOQ with COLA for one instead of a whole family and we keep housing for San Diego which is similar to Atsugi cost if not less. And yes, there are actual crazy people like us that have done this and survived! When we finally got everything orders wise figured out I felt a monkey was lifted off my back and there would not be a severe financial burden on us to make this work. After many months of being able to ponder our decision we still feel rock solid that this is right for us. We have a boat load of pros vs cons and Sophia and I staying in San Diego won out tenfold.

Once I started to tell anyone who would listen (I have to talk about everything as most of you know) about our situation, the jaws started dropping. Of course these weren't people that knew Eric and I well. They did not know that this man is my best friend, my confidant, and we aren't the typical military family. Both my family and Eric's family both live here in San Diego. We both have small families, but we are VERY tight with most of them. They did not know that Eric's mom has problems with rheumatoid arthritis and has been widowed for only a few years now. Her English is not perfect as well. Eric and I help her out with all aspects of her life now. We also have Nana Mica whose health is failing. We try and drive down to Tecate, Mexico as much as possible with Sophia. Oh and did I mention my family?! My grandfather has many health related issues as well. I consider him the stable father figure I did not have growing up. I also have a sister and BIL who I adore and are currently trying to start a family! We are so close and to be a world away would break my heart while she is pregnant. And Lord knows my mom needs me! We have all survived living and dealing with an addicted person who is now dying. He is now cut off from our lives, but we are stronger in dealing with someone who is delusional and violent with the help of each other. It's a shame what addiction can do when you refuse to seek help...but that is a whole different part of my life that has only made me one STRONG woman who can deal with a LOT of crap! Sophia also adores her G-Ma Kellie, Tia Moni and Cousin Vic. I do not want our loved ones to miss out on spending time with Sophia while they can. All that added with the fact we'd have to rent out our newly remodeled (with our own hands for the last three years) home, sell our newly paid off cars, give away one or all of our dogs which would NEVER be an option for us. They are my furry kiddos and many of you know I have turned into a big animal activist. I found that Japan is not too fond of having dogs in their homes. There is just not the room required in the small spaces we would have to live in. Even if we lived across the U.S. it would be easier than Japan. Hopefully by the time Eric comes back and we save our pennies right we'll be selling the house if we can find a better home to remodel or rent out.

So we came to the realization Sophia and I would stay here in our home while Eric is living and deploying in Japan. Most military wives have a policy that they will go wherever their hubby goes but I have been known to break rules and defy the odds. Eric and I have no fear about this situation. We have always been on the same wavelength. We trust each other 100 percent and quite frankly I am tired of women telling me about what could happen "being away from each other so long"...seriously if Eric wanted to do that he could do that now. Eric works long hours with his current squadron and late nights on the flying schedule. Also the whole "you may be headed for divorce" BS...really? I am just at awe at what some women who barely know you or your life come up with. It really gets unnerving. I am a little surprised on how foreign women react when I tell them on our future living situation. Most don't bat an eye and many have said, "good for you!"... is that a unique difference American and foreign women have? Are they stronger and are we just so attached? There is just so much to be learned from the crazy commuting marriage experience! What we do know for sure is that Eric will be out to sea coming in and out most of his first year. I'd really not want to be there if he was gone for most of it. I would want to come back to the states every time he left which really would not be feasible. It is so much easier the other way around with the support we have to watch our dogs and home and we leave to visit Japan. So many frown at the thought of the cultural experience we will be missing. It's not like we will never be out there! I can fly out ANYTIME he is not busy! When his deployment schedule winds down most likely we'll be visiting every three months. I know most days Eric will be working his ass off out there. It will be nice to visit when he has a breather.

And yes, it will probably be 2 1/2 years. As a military wife, I think the worst thing you can do is dwell on time. I am not one for countdowns. I live my life and keep myself busy (but not so much I am frazzled and always sick). The deployments that we have survived have been an easy transition when Eric is back home and I expect the same from this one. We never make a huge deal out of anything. Sophia keeps me busy, my volunteering will keep me busy, house projects will keep me busy, my lifelong San Diego friends and family will keep me busy, etc... Shoot...2 1/2 years may not be enough! HA! JK! Honestly, I look at it as 24 plus months. I don't think of days or weeks as that sounds SO long. A month is doable and it goes by quickly. I've done 9 1/2 months with Eric gone and hardly any communication. I was lucky to get a call a month and that is if I was home. It was normal for his e-mail to be down weeks at a time. I had no smart phone I could use chat or e-mail on, let alone a cell phone. I didn't have Skype or a web cam. I didn't have a damn thing!

I also get through the hard parts of life thinking about the ones who have it harder. It was a survival mechanism I used growing up in a dysfunctional household. When I was young and living under an addicted father's rule I would think that some poor soul in TJ (right across the border) probably had it worse. I still use this way of thinking to this day. It may not be healthy, but it works. I am glad Eric is not going to Iraq or Afghanistan for a year or more where I would not be able to visit at all. I am thankful he will be in a super safe country that is fun to visit. I am happy this "may" possibly be his last tour where he deploys and he will get to come back to America afterwards. We are blessed as a family that in this economy Eric has a job that not only does he love, but allows me to stay at home with our sweet Sophia. It also allows us to do things I would have never imagined doing as a child. Eric and I have a love of travel and adventure and the Navy helps is in our quest to do that! We are blessed to have a roof over our head in a home we own and a meal on the table each night (or take out). Eric, Sophia and I are all healthy and happy in a loved filled home. I am also grateful I grew up in an adverse situation that I never knew one day would make me strong and able to handle more than I ever dreamed of.

I will be keeping my spirits up this whole coming year by traveling to Hawaii with my family, visiting friends afar, my SIL's wedding here in San Diego along with a bachelorette party in Vegas I am planning, Grand Canyon and Yellowstone with Sophia and close friends in September, my annual excursion to Palm Springs and hopefully, if Eric is not deployed, a long visit to Japan from Thanksgiving to New Years.

I am excited about the future! We are going to power through this unique experience and it will make us stronger! It's just another adventure in our lives together. I have now known Eric longer than I have not known him. We've been together for over half our lives! In the meantime I am going to blog about our adventures whether anyone is reading or not. It will be therapeutic for Eric and I and fun to share our stories in the years to come. I also promise my posts will be a bit smaller than this rant! I just had to explain. Until then, stay tuned!